By now most of you have heard us say two things often:

  1. “the students make us feel hopeful” when speaking about the fine young men and women we meet while interviewing scholarship candidates
  2. “it’s not us, it’s them” when speaking about the mentoring our partners do to ensure success of GMFF Scholars in not only getting into but also persisting through college and into the workforce  

We continue to learn a good deal about education, community, hope and perseverance.  All of that learning furthers our conviction to execute one of our key operating principles:  that everyone needs and deserves a little help.  How, after all, did that turtle get to the top of the fencepost?    With help, of course.  

There are many stories of students who overcome seemingly insurmountable, sometimes tragic, circumstances to chase the promise of a brighter future through education.  And, no, they don’t do it alone.  There are people in their lives that support them and in the case of GMFF Scholars, our partners are key to their success. Our partners work every day to help hundreds of students, beyond just GMFF Scholars, realize their visions – or sometimes even discover a vision – or sometimes help them see they deserve to have a future vision.  

If you’re reading this, you’ve helped us stick with that turtle principle either through a donation, cheerleading or even a warm bed during interview “season.”  We want you to know that nine (9) years on, our conviction is just as strong – we’ll continue to help individuals realize their goals through scholarships and support the organizations (our partners) that help them achieve their goals through grants.  As our supporter, you are also part of the stories, many stories in fact…  [link to the rest of the story]



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Year Ending 2017 Annual Letter